Henig Furs has been a family owned business for five generations and a big part of our business has been having a full-time fur salon at Belk for 28 years. We have some big changes and we want you to know. HENIG FURS WILL BE CLOSING OUR FULL-TIME FUR SALONS AT BELK. We will be expanding our Henig Furs brand and opening new locations in these markets. Some have already opened, while others are in the process.
To make room for new inventory in the new locations and make the transition smoother, we're having a hufe fur closing sale at our Henig Furs at Belk locations. Shop and save 75% off and more on every fur, leather, cashmere, and fur accessory.
If you are a current storage customer in one of these markets, DO NOT WORRY! Your furs will remain safe in storage. They will either be transferred to the new location; or if the new location isn't open when the current one closes, they will be safe in our Henig Furs vault at our corporate office in Montgomery, Alabama. We will continue offering all fur services, such as storage, cleaning, conditioning, restyles, alterations, and repairs.
We will keep you updated on our upcoming locations and plans. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter at henigfurs.com and follow us on social media to be first to know about upcoming events. We look forward to serving you in the future!
Please direct any questions or concerns to our corporate office by calling (334) 277-7610. Click here to find a location near you.
Thank you,
Henig Furs, Inc.
Fine Furs for Five Generation
T: 334-277-7610 F: 334-272-3562 WWW.HENIGFURS.COM