The Truth about the Fur Trade
As much as we would like to believe that everyone loves fur and supports it, we are not naïve to the fact that there is some controversy and unanswered questions out there about how fur is trapped, farmed and made. Yes, fur is made from real animals and we understand that even after reading this, there are going to be some people that still choose not to wear it; however, we hope that after reading this you will be more educated on the truth about the fur trade.
Fur is the oldest fabric known to man and is one of nature’s most enduring products. It is important to know that only the healthiest and well-taken care of animals produce the most beautiful fur. An animal that has been abused, starved or that has diseases will not produce luxurious pelts and therefore is not used by the fur trade. In fact, millions of dollars are invested in research to ensure the optimum care for animals, including the best possible feeding, sanitary housing and care and that the animals’ dispatch is humane, quick and painless. The fur trade is strictly regulated by state, national and international laws that ensure the safety and care for animals and prohibits cruelty to animals in any way.
Endangered animals are never used in the fur trade. In fact, one of the main reasons for trapping is to manage the overpopulation of animals. An increase in numbers puts a strain on the available food resources and leads to stress and starvation, and it also increases the amount of diseases that are transmitted to domestic animals and humans. The control for beavers is extremely important after a study showed that beaver dams cost $1.5 billion annually in the USA due to damages from flooding land, blocking drainage channels and washing away roads, railways and bridges when they fail. If there was no longer a demand for fur, trapping would still be used to prevent these damages and overpopulation. Selling pelts for income is only an extra incentive for trappers and farmers. Trappers are the “eyes and ears” of the land and are the ones who are in constant contact with animals and their habitats. They are usually the first to alarm us if a wildlife habitat is threatened. Farmers are responsible for their animals’ care from birth to death. The animals are generally euthanized in a container prefilled with gas, allowing a quick, painless and humane death.
Some may say that fake fur should be worn instead of real fur because it is more ethical. However, it has been proven that real fur is “greener” and safer for the environment. Fake fur is manufactured with non-renewable petroleum-based resources. Real fur is natural and renewable. In addition to fur, farmed mink provide fine oils for skin care and other products. Additionally, the carcasses from farmed mink are also used for heating purposes and in the production of cement.
For more information, please feel free to contact us or visit one of the sites/articles below, which were used in research for this post.